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Will Automation Solve the Manufacturing Labor Crisis: Addressing the Industry’s Growing Workforce Shortage

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The manufacturing labor shortage is a pressing issue that has been affecting businesses across various industries. One of the most critical areas where labor is in short supply is palletizing, a process that requires manual labor to load boxes onto pallets. In this article, we will explore the dynamics of the manufacturing labor shortage, with a particular focus on palletizing operations. We will also discuss the misconceptions surrounding palletizing automation, the role of manual labor, and the disadvantages of having people palletize. Additionally, we will look at the solutions for the manufacturing labor shortage and how automation can play a crucial role in addressing this issue.

Will Automation Solve the Manufacturing Labor Shortage?

The answer is yes. People want jobs that require something other than demanding, manual tasks. Repetitive, heavy lifting is both physically taxing and mentally unsatisfying. The aversion to labor-intensive jobs appears in economic statistics where 45% of durable good manufacturing positions remain unfilled in the United States, highlighting a significant gap between available opportunities and the workforce’s inclination to accept injury-prone and hard work.

Palletizing and Automation Misconceptions

The most essential part of production is shipping the product to the customer. As we know, palletizing shapes the supply chain efficiency and the profitability of the whole value stream. Packing a pallet is the final touch point before it enters the shipment and warehousing process.

What is Palletizing?

Palletizing is a process of arranging and stacking products, either in their primary or secondary packaging, onto pallets. Pallets are secured to become one handling, transportation, storage, and distribution unit. Palletizing was a manual process until robotics could catch up with human capabilities. Today, turnkey palletizing solutions provide adaptable hardware and user-friendly software, enabling more manufacturers to invest in palletizing automation.

Palletizing Automation Misconceptions

Despite advancements in robotic palletizing, many common misconceptions persist. This is understandable – advancements have accelerated over the past several years. Here are just a few of the myths that Robotiq comes across:

Myth Reality
Anyone who could automate their palletizing process has already done so. False.
Many businesses (particularly small and medium-sized businesses) assessed available options in the past and decided not to invest. A few common reasons are: especially in food production.
There are only a few automated solutions to choose from.


There are many robots, software platforms, and integration companies on the market. However, the product solutions available are fragmented and pieced together. Solutions should be cohesive, which requires each business to find and piece together a solution. Fortunately, there are also turnkey options available that make creating a pallet layout easy.

Safety and Quality

Loading boxes on a pallet can be a monotonous task. Boxes can be heavy, especially in food production. Picking boxes off a production line means that packers must move products below and above their waist, leaving them prone to repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) and other safety risks.

Solutions for the Manufacturing Labor Shortage

Workers are less concerned about being replaced by automation. Instead, they expect automation to assist them in their day-to-day job. More than 80% of workers want investments in automation to help them with their tasks. Deploying the appropriate automated solution can augment the value contributed by human workers:

  1. Adaptability: Flexible software should allow quick changeovers and new programs. For example, Robotiq uses assistant tools and simple configurations so switching to a different setup is easy. Turnkey solutions make creating a pallet layout easy. Additionally, the Robotiq Palletizing Solution automatically generates optimized trajectories for the cobot, reducing cycle time and making the operator’s job easier.
  2. Flexibility: Robot palletizers can adjust for case weight, dimensions, and cycle times. The Robotiq Palletizer Simulator demonstrates how straightforward it can be to configure a palletizing robot.


The labor shortage numbers and worker turnover rates prove that people do not want to work in repetitive, low-skill jobs. We found that all manufacturers, even the small to medium-sized ones, can use turnkey solutions to automate their palletizing process. Manufacturers open the door to empower individuals, enhance productivity, and foster adaptability by incorporating a cobot palletizer at the end of the production line.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is automation a viable solution for the manufacturing labor shortage?

Yes, automation can play a crucial role in addressing the manufacturing labor shortage. By automating repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, manufacturers can reduce labor costs, improve productivity, and enhance employee safety.

Q2: Are there any misconceptions surrounding palletizing automation?

Yes, there are several misconceptions surrounding palletizing automation. For example, some businesses may believe that automation is only suitable for large-scale manufacturers or that there are limited options available. However, turnkey solutions make it possible for businesses of all sizes to automate their palletizing process.

Q3: What are the benefits of automating palletizing?

The benefits of automating palletizing include improved productivity, reduced labor costs, enhanced employee safety, and increased flexibility. Automation also allows manufacturers to adapt quickly to changing market demands and production volumes.

Q4: Can automation replace human workers in palletizing?

No, automation is not intended to replace human workers. Instead, automation is designed to assist human workers by taking over repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value tasks.

Q5: What are the solutions for the manufacturing labor shortage?

The solutions for the manufacturing labor shortage include automation, upskilling and reskilling of existing employees, and attracting new talent to the industry. By addressing the labor shortage, manufacturers can improve productivity, reduce costs, and enhance employee satisfaction.

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