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Friday, September 20, 2024

Streamline Your Forecasting with Amazon SageMaker Canvas: A Seamless Transition from Amazon Forecast


Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a fully managed service that uses statistical and machine learning algorithms to deliver highly accurate time series forecasts. In this post, we will explore the benefits of SageMaker Canvas and provide a step-by-step guide on how to transition from Amazon Forecast to SageMaker Canvas.

Benefits of SageMaker Canvas

SageMaker Canvas offers several benefits over Amazon Forecast, including faster model building, cost-effective predictions, advanced features such as a model leaderboard and algorithm selection, and enhanced transparency. With SageMaker Canvas, you can build, train, and deploy machine learning models without needing to write any code or have any machine learning expertise.

Transitioning from Forecast to SageMaker Canvas

To transition from Amazon Forecast to SageMaker Canvas, you will need to reorganize your data sources to directly create a single dataset for use with SageMaker Canvas. This dataset can be used to build a forecasting model in SageMaker Canvas.

Build and Deploy a Model using the SageMaker Canvas UI

To build and deploy a model using the SageMaker Canvas UI, follow these steps:

  1. Reorganize your data sources to directly create a single dataset for use with SageMaker Canvas.
  2. Use the SageMaker Canvas UI to load the dataset into the SageMaker Canvas application.
  3. Use the AutoML feature in SageMaker Canvas to train, build, and deploy the model for inference.
  4. Use the SageMaker Canvas UI to generate and consume forecasts.

Build and Deploy a Model using the SageMaker Canvas APIs

To build and deploy a model using the SageMaker Canvas APIs, follow these steps:

  1. Reorganize your data sources to directly create a single dataset for use with SageMaker Canvas.
  2. Use the SageMaker AutoML API for time series forecasting to process the data, train the ML model, and deploy the model programmatically.


In this post, we have explored the benefits of SageMaker Canvas and provided a step-by-step guide on how to transition from Amazon Forecast to SageMaker Canvas. With SageMaker Canvas, you can build, train, and deploy machine learning models without needing to write any code or have any machine learning expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is SageMaker Canvas?

SageMaker Canvas is a fully managed service that uses statistical and machine learning algorithms to deliver highly accurate time series forecasts.

Q: What are the benefits of SageMaker Canvas over Amazon Forecast?

SageMaker Canvas offers several benefits over Amazon Forecast, including faster model building, cost-effective predictions, advanced features such as a model leaderboard and algorithm selection, and enhanced transparency.

Q: How do I transition from Amazon Forecast to SageMaker Canvas?

To transition from Amazon Forecast to SageMaker Canvas, you will need to reorganize your data sources to directly create a single dataset for use with SageMaker Canvas. This dataset can be used to build a forecasting model in SageMaker Canvas.

Q: Can I use SageMaker Canvas with my existing data?

Yes, you can use SageMaker Canvas with your existing data. SageMaker Canvas supports a wide range of data formats and can handle large datasets.

Q: How do I deploy my model using SageMaker Canvas?

You can deploy your model using the SageMaker Canvas UI or the SageMaker Canvas APIs. The SageMaker Canvas UI provides a visual interface for building and deploying models, while the SageMaker Canvas APIs provide a programmatic interface for deploying models.

Q: Can I use SageMaker Canvas with my existing applications?

Yes, you can use SageMaker Canvas with your existing applications. SageMaker Canvas provides a range of APIs and SDKs that allow you to integrate SageMaker Canvas with your existing applications.

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