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Elevate Healthcare Interaction and Documentation with Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Transcribe, and Live Meeting Assistant: Enhancing Patient Care with Cutting-Edge Technology

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Streamline Clinical Documentation with the Live Meeting Assistant for Healthcare


In today’s healthcare landscape, physician productivity is crucial. Physicians spend nearly 50% of their workday on clinical documentation, which can lead to reduced productivity, burnout, and compromised patient care. The Live Meeting Assistant (LMA) for healthcare is designed to revolutionize the clinical documentation process, offering an innovative solution for healthcare providers and clinicians.

Today, physicians spend about 49% of their workday documenting clinical visits, which impacts physician productivity and patient care. Did you know that for every eight hours that office-based physicians have scheduled with patients, they spend more than five hours in the EHR? As a consequence, healthcare practitioners exhibit a pronounced inclination towards conversational intelligence solutions, wherein the doctor-patient dialogue is automatically transcribed during consultations and subsequently synthesized into clinical documentation utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, thereby facilitating time-efficient processes.

The LMA for healthcare is built using the power of generative AI and Amazon Transcribe, enabling real-time assistance and automated generation of clinical notes during virtual patient encounters. Originally developed as a solution for real-time transcription and note taking during virtual meetings, the LMA for healthcare is an extended version of the Live Meeting Assistant solution, adapted to generate clinical notes automatically during virtual doctor-patient consultations.

The LMA for healthcare facilitates efficient documentation following patient visits. It automatically generates comprehensive post-call summaries, highlights key topics discussed between the doctor or clinician and the patient, and presents clinical notes in structured formats like SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) and BIRP (Behavior, Intervention, Response, Plan). It can also summarize ongoing discussions, identify key topics mentioned, and list patient’s symptoms as they come up during the conversation using the meeting assist bot.

By using Amazon Bedrock knowledge base, LMA allows you to consolidate various data sources into a centralized information repository. This enables you to create applications that use Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a technique where information retrieval from data sources enhances the model’s response generation.

A typical clinical note will contain personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) of the patient. If you want to mask or hide the information, you can prompt the LLM accordingly.

The LMA for healthcare offers numerous benefits to healthcare professionals, organizations, and ultimately, patient care. Here are some key advantages:

– Reduce clinical documentation time
– Answer questions with knowledge
– Enhanced patient encounter efficiency
– Customization and scalability
– Continuous improvement
– Increased efficiency and cost savings


Experience the impact of the Live Meeting Assistant for healthcare, an adaptable and personalized solution engineered to simplify your clinical note generation process in real time. By using the capabilities of Amazon AI and machine learning (ML) services in conjunction with Amazon Bedrock LLMs, this sample solution transcribes, translates, fact checks, and answers questions in real time from your knowledge base, and generates clinical notes in multiple formats. With LMA for healthcare, healthcare providers can redirect their attention to what truly matters, delivering exceptional patient care.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Live Meeting Assistant for Healthcare?

The Live Meeting Assistant for healthcare is a solution that facilitates efficient documentation following patient visits by generating comprehensive post-call summaries and highlighting key topics discussed between the doctor or clinician and the patient.

It automates the clinical documentation process, freeing up healthcare professionals to focus on patient care and providing high-quality clinical notes for efficient care delivery.

What is Amazon Bedrock?

Amazon Bedrock is a centralized information repository that consolidates various data sources, enabling healthcare organizations to create applications that use Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

By leveraging Amazon Bedrock, LMA for healthcare allows users to create personalized clinical notes, surfacing relevant information in real-time.

What are the benefits of LMA for healthcare?

The LMA for healthcare offers numerous benefits, including reducing clinical documentation time, answering questions with knowledge, enhanced patient encounter efficiency, customization and scalability, continuous improvement, and increased efficiency and cost savings.

These benefits help healthcare organizations streamline clinical documentation, improve patient care, and enhance healthcare providers’ work experiences.

What is the structure of LMA-generated clinical notes?

LMA-generated clinical notes follow structured formats, including SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) and BIRP (Behavior, Intervention, Response, Plan).

This ensures that clinical notes are clear, concise, and easily comprehensible by healthcare professionals, payers, and patients.

Can LMA for healthcare be customized?

Yes, LMA for healthcare offers customization options for healthcare organizations.

These options allow users to tailor prompts, language models, and knowledge bases to their specific needs, ensuring a tailored solution for their organization’s clinical documentation requirements.

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