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Friday, September 20, 2024

DEX-EE: Revolutionizing Prosthetic Technology with Advanced Shadow Robot Hand for Precise Functionality and Adaptive Control


Meet the latest innovation in robotics – Shadow Robot’s DEX-EE, a new robot hand designed for dynamic and controlled motion in dexterous manipulation tasks. This advanced robotic hand boasts fingertip sensors that provide hundreds of taxels, allowing for precise control and sensitivity during grasping and manipulating objects. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the features and capabilities of the DEX-EE, and explore its potential applications in various industries.

DEX-EE: Shadow Robot’s New Robot Hand

The DEX-EE robot hand is designed for tasks that require precision and delicacy, such as assembling electronics, handling medical instruments, or even manipulating fragile objects. Its dynamic and controlled motion allows it to move with precision and flexibility, making it ideal for applications where traditional robot arms may not be sufficient.

One of the most impressive features of the DEX-EE is its fingertip sensors, which provide 100s of taxels each. This level of sensitivity allows the robot to detect even the slightest changes in pressure and texture, making it an ideal choice for tasks that require delicate manipulation.

In addition to its fingertip sensors, the DEX-EE also features a network of sensors that provide position, force, inertial measurements, and other sensor data. This comprehensive suite of sensors allows the robot to accurately track its movements and adjust its grasp accordingly.

Multitaxel Tactile Sensors

The DEX-EE’s multitaxel tactile sensors are particularly noteworthy, as they provide additional information during grasping and manipulating objects. These sensors are located on the middle and proximal phalanges, allowing the robot to gather detailed data on the texture, shape, and pressure of the objects it interacts with.

Full ROS Integration

One of the key benefits of the DEX-EE is its full ROS (Robot Operating System) integration. This means that the robot can be easily programmed and controlled using a wide range of ROS-compatible tools and software, making it an ideal choice for researchers and developers working with the ROS platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the primary use case for the DEX-EE?

The primary use case for the DEX-EE is in applications that require dynamic and controlled motion in dexterous manipulation tasks, such as assembly, handling medical instruments, or manipulating fragile objects.

What are the benefits of the DEX-EE’s fingertip sensors?

The DEX-EE’s fingertip sensors provide hundreds of taxels each, allowing the robot to detect even the slightest changes in pressure and texture. This level of sensitivity makes it an ideal choice for tasks that require delicate manipulation.

How does the DEX-EE’s multitaxel tactile sensors work?

The DEX-EE’s multitaxel tactile sensors are located on the middle and proximal phalanges and provide additional information during grasping and manipulating objects. These sensors allow the robot to gather detailed data on the texture, shape, and pressure of the objects it interacts with.

Is the DEX-EE compatible with ROS?

Yes, the DEX-EE is fully compatible with ROS (Robot Operating System), making it an ideal choice for researchers and developers working with the ROS platform.

What is the potential application of the DEX-EE in various industries?

The DEX-EE has the potential to be used in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, aerospace, and more. Its ability to perform delicate and precise manipulation tasks makes it an ideal choice for applications where traditional robot arms may not be sufficient.


In conclusion, the DEX-EE is an innovative new robot hand that offers a level of precision and sensitivity not seen in traditional robot arms. Its dynamic and controlled motion, multitaxel tactile sensors, and full ROS integration make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. As the field of robotics continues to evolve, the DEX-EE is poised to play a key role in shaping the future of dexterous manipulation.

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