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Can AI-Generated Content Really Tell a Unique Story? The Surprising Verdict on Authenticity and Novelty in Automated Writing

The future of creative industries is increasingly becoming intertwined with artificial intelligence. AI has made tremendous progress in assisting humans with tasks, including writing. However, the question remains: what will be the impact of AI-generated content on our creative industries? Will it lead to innovative breakthroughs, or will it create a sea of uniformity?

AI Makes Writing Easier, but Stories Sound Alike

By Issam Ahmed, Washington (AFP) July 12, 2024

A study published in Science Advances has raised concerns about the impact of AI-generated content on creative industries. The research suggests that embracing AI to write stories could lead to books and movies of the future all starting to feel the same.

The study, which drew on hundreds of volunteers, aimed to assess the extent and way AI might help humans with creativity. Participants were randomly divided into three groups to write an eight-sentence story about one of three topics, with varying levels of AI assistance. The findings showed that AI boosted the quality of an individual writer’s creativity by up to 10 percent and the story’s enjoyability by 22 percent.

Individual Benefit, Collective Loss

While AI helped writers to produce better quality stories, the research also found that the collective level of AI-assisted stories looked more similar to each other. This led to the concern that AI-assisted writing could create a “social dilemma” where writers “anchor” themselves too heavily to suggested ideas, resulting in uniformity and reducing the overall novelty of art.

The researchers also warned that there is a danger of relying too much on AI tools before developing underlying skills in writing, music, or other creative fields. People need to be aware of where they can insert AI tools in their workflow to get the most benefit while still injecting their own voice into the project or outcome.


The study’s findings serve as a reminder that while AI has the potential to make writing easier, it’s essential to balance individual benefits with the potential collective loss of creative diversity. As the role of AI in creative industries continues to evolve, it’s crucial to adopt a thoughtful approach that leverages technology while preserving human creativity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How did the researchers assess the quality of the stories?

The researchers used a combination of measures to assess the quality of the stories, including how novel they were, how enjoyable they were, and how much potential they had to be turned into a published book. An additional 600 external human reviewers also judged the story on the same measures.

Question 2: How did the AI-assisted stories differ from those produced without AI help?

The study found that AI-assisted stories looked more similar to each other, whereas those produced without AI help showed more diversity and originality. This led to the concern that AI-assisted writing could create a uniformity of creative content.

Question 3: Can AI completely replace human writers?

While AI can assist with certain aspects of writing, it’s unlikely to completely replace human writers. Human writers bring a level of creativity, imagination, and nuance to writing that AI tools cannot replicate. AI-assisted writing can enhance the writing process, but human input is still necessary to produce high-quality content.

Question 4: How can AI be used to benefit the writing process?

AI can be used to benefit the writing process by assisting with tasks such as research, organization, and outlining. AI can also help writers with creative blocks by generating ideas or suggestions. However, it’s essential to balance AI-assisted writing with human input to produce high-quality content.

Question 5: What are the potential drawbacks of relying too much on AI-assisted writing?

Relying too much on AI-assisted writing can lead to a lack of originality and diversity in creative content. Additionally, over-reliance on AI tools can hinder the development of underlying skills in writing, music, or other creative fields, resulting in a lack of innovation and creativity in the long run.

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