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Saturday, September 21, 2024

BMW Introduces Humanoid Robot Figure 02 to Production Line: Revolutionizing Manufacturing with Autonomous Technology


As technology continues to shape the future of industries, one key area that has been gaining immense attention is the development of humanoid robots. Robots that are designed to mimic human movements, strengths, and intelligence have the potential to revolutionize the way we work and live. And, in the recent past, we’ve seen a significant rise in the introduction of humanoid robots in various industries, including manufacturing.

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BMW Group has taken a significant step in exploring the potential of humanoid robots by testing them in production for the first time. Figure 02, a humanoid robot designed and developed by Figure AI, successfully fitted sheet metal parts into precise fittings and assembled them as part of a car chassis during a two-week pilot at BMW’s plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

BMW Tests Figure 02 Humanoid in Production

Milan Nedeljković, Member of the Board of Management for Production at BMW AG, commented on the development stating, “The developments in the field of robotics are very promising. With an early test operation, we are now determining possible applications for humanoid robots in production. We want to accompany this technology from development to industrialization.”

The test revealed important insights into what requirements must be met to integrate multi-purpose robots into an existing production system, including how humanoids communicate with production systems under real conditions. After the trial, BMW Group and Figure AI will continue to collaborate on future applications and development of the robots.

Figure AI has unveiled their second-generation humanoid robot, Figure 02, which has undergone significant technical advancements. It features 50% more battery capacity than its predecessors, 6 cameras that enable it to perceive its surroundings, built-in speakers and microphones, and human-equivalent strength and dexterity.

close of the hands on the Figure 02 humanoid with 16 degrees of freedom.

Figure iterated on the design of the hands, arriving at this design for the Figure 02 humanoid. | Credit: Figure AI

Another notable feature of the Figure 02 robot is its hands, which have 16 degrees of freedom and human-equivalent strength.

Humanoids making way into industry

GXO Logistics has also started using humanoid robots, specifically Agility Robotics’ Digit humanoid, in one of their facilities. The Digit robot picks up and stacks totes using autonomous mobile robots and then places them onto conveyor belts.


The increasing presence of humanoid robots in industries like manufacturing is transforming the way tasks are performed and changing the face of work. As automation and artificial intelligence continue to evolve, it is interesting to see how humanoids will revolutionize the world of production and beyond. It is likely that we will see these robots in more industries and applications as time goes on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is the significance of the development of humanoid robots?

The development of humanoid robots is a crucial step in revolutionizing the way work is performed in various industries. Humanoids have the potential to take over tedious and repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers for more complex and creative work.

Question 2: What challenges do humanoid robots face in production systems?
Question 3: Is the development of humanoid robots limited to industry?

The development of humanoid robots is not limited to industries. They are also being tested in various application areas, such as healthcare, warehousing, and manufacturing.

Question 4: How does Amazon fit into the humanoid robot discussion?

Question 5: Are there any competitors to Figure AI in the market?

Figure AI has several competitors in the humanoid robot market, including Boston Dynamics with its electric Atlas humanoid, Apptronik’s Apollo humanoid, and Robotis’ WHILL and DSR.

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