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Friday, September 20, 2024

Automated Version Control: Merging DVC and Git LFS using libgit2 Filters for Efficient Collaboration


Introducing DVC’s Latest Feature: Seamless Git LFS Support

DVC (Data Version Control) has always been a powerful tool for version controlling datasets and managing data pipelines. One of the main features that sets it apart is its ability to import and download files from any Git repository. But, until now, projects that used Git LFS (Large File Storage) were incompatible with DVC. The latest update to DVC changes all that, and we’re excited to dive into the details.

Git Filters Overview

Git Filters Overview

Git supports using attributes filters to manipulate how objects are stored internally in Git compared to how they are stored in your workspace. One commonly used built-in filter is the CRLF filter, which adjusts line endings in text files. The CRLF filter is typically used to ensure that files are checked out into the workspace using the appropriate line endings for the user’s platform.

libgit2 and pygit2 Filters

libgit2 and pygit2 Filters

When saving objects in Git and when checking them back out to the workspace, libgit2 runs a chain of registered filters. Each filter in the chain modifies the object data as needed, and then passes the modified result into the next filter. While writing a libgit2 filter in C is fairly complex, our newly contributed support for Python filters in pygit2 simplifies this process.

The scmrepo Git LFS Filter

The scmrepo Git LFS Filter

In write(), we append the input chunk to our buffer and then return. We do not write to the next filter, since Git LFS smudge depends on reading the entire pointer input before we can output any data. In close(), we get the configured Git LFS remote URL (if it is set) and then run our actual smudge() implementation.



The latest update to DVC marks a significant milestone by eliminating the prior limitation associated with Git LFS incompatibility. With version 3.31.0, DVC users can seamlessly import files from Git repositories, including platforms like Hugging Face, without needing extra dependencies. The integration of Git LFS support, facilitated by the Dulwich and pygit2 libraries, streamlines managing datasets and large objects in a Git repository.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is DVC?

DVC is a version control system designed specifically for datasets and data pipelines.

Question 2: What is Git LFS?

Git LFS is a system for versioning large files and storing them in a Git repository.

Question 3: How does DVC support Git LFS?

DVC’s latest update integrates Git LFS support, allowing users to import and download files from Git repositories, including those that use Git LFS.

Question 4: Why was Git LFS incompatibility a limitation in DVC?

Prior to version 3.31.0, DVC users who worked with projects that used Git LFS had to install additional dependencies or workarounds to import and download files from these repositories.

Question 5: What libraries are used to facilitate Git LFS support in DVC?

DVC uses the Dulwich and pygit2 libraries to integrate Git LFS support.

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