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Friday, September 20, 2024

Streamline Model Deployment: Automating SageMaker Deployments with DVC Model Registry

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Machine Learning (ML) has revolutionized the way businesses operate and make decisions. Deploying ML models can be a complex task, but it’s essential to bring your models to production and scale them. AWS SageMaker is a popular platform for deploying ML models, but it can be challenging to get started. In this article, we will show you how to deploy your ML models to SageMaker using DVC pipelines and live metrics tracking.

Creating a Model File

To deploy a model to SageMaker, we first need to create a model file. The sagemaker stage in our pipeline creates a tar file of our trained model. We can then use this tar file to create a SageMaker model endpoint.

$ dvc stage add -n sagemaker … -o model.tar.gz …

This code adds the sagemaker stage to our pipeline and specifies that the output of this stage is the model.tar.gz file.

Configuring DVC Remote

Before we can push our model to SageMaker, we need to configure our DVC remote. We will use an S3 bucket as our remote storage. This allows us to store large files like our model tar file in the cloud.

$ dvc remote add -d storage s3://dvc-public/remote/get-started-pools

This code adds a new DVC remote named storage to our pipeline and specifies that the remote is an S3 bucket named dvc-public/remote/get-started-pools.

Running the Pipeline to Save the Model in S3

To save our model in S3, we need to run our pipeline. This will create a new directory in our S3 bucket and save our model tar file in it.

$ dvc push

This code runs our pipeline and pushes our model tar file to the dvc-public/remote/get-started-pools S3 bucket.

Logging and Tracking

To track the performance of our model, we need to log its performance. We can do this by using the DVCLive log artifact method.

import dvclive

This code logs our model artifact in the dvclive log file.


Deploying a machine learning model to AWS SageMaker using DVC pipelines and live metrics tracking is a powerful way to bring your models to production. By following this article, you should now be able to deploy your models to SageMaker using DVC.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How do I create a model file?

To create a model file, you need to specify the output of your pipeline. This can be done by adding a --output flag to your dvc stage command. For example, you can use the following command to create a tar file of your model.

$ dvc stage add -n sagemaker … -o model.tar.gz …
Q2: How do I configure DVC remote?

To configure DVC remote, you need to add a new remote to your pipeline. You can do this by using the dvc remote command. For example, you can use the following command to add a new S3 remote.

$ dvc remote add -d storage s3://dvc-public/remote/get-started-pools
Q3: How do I run the pipeline?

To run the pipeline, you need to use the dvc push command. This command will create a new directory in your remote storage and save your model tar file in it.

$ dvc push
Q4: How do I log the performance of my model?

To log the performance of your model, you need to use the DVCLive log artifact method. This method will log your model artifact in the dvclive log file.

import dvclive
Q5: What if I encounter any issues?

If you encounter any issues, please reach out to us on Discord. We will be happy to help you resolve any issues and get your model deployed to SageMaker.

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