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Friday, September 20, 2024

Why Mobile Robots Have yet to Conquer the Market: Addressing Limiting Factors and Future Growth


As the demand for consumer goods continues to rise, businesses are seeking innovative solutions to increase their production efficiency. One promising technology is automated mobile robotics (AMR), which has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing process. However, despite its many benefits, AMR has yet to reach mass adoption. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this lack of adoption and offer insights on how to overcome these challenges.

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a graph showing the state of mobile robot adoption is still in the early days.

Source: ifm efector

3 challenges preventing AMR mass adoption

Despite the benefits of AMR, several challenges prevent its widespread adoption. We’ve identified three primary barriers that deter potential customers from embracing this technology.

1. Lengthy integration process:

A customer’s CapEx doesn’t end with the purchase. They also consider programming the fleet and modifying their facility. This integration leads to costly downtime and reduced throughput.

2. High Bill of Material (BoM) Cost:

Developing a viable product with a scalable or saleable company model involves significant investment. This expense eventually gets passed to the customer. Then, it exceeds many facilities’ budgets, even when a prospect understands your product’s value.

3. Accidents:

Robots still hit things, and potential clients know it. Human safety has been the top priority for decades. But, ensuring an AMR doesn’t collide with forklifts or other objects is still a challenge.

2 ways to address AMR mass adoption problems

ifm efector understands the startup mindset. You need quick, efficient solutions that work the way you need them to without draining your resources or delaying time to market. Ultimately, an attractive and cost-effective end product means more sales and a more valuable IP.

Reducing total cost of ownership:

Shortening integration time reduces a prospect’s TCO. A fast, cost-effective onboarding may be the deciding factor if your price tag is in their budget.

Increasing value:

What if your robot cost the same as your competitors but could get more work done? Your client wouldn’t need nearly as many units, making your offer more attractive.

The right perception products can transform your business

The “secret” to making mobile robots more accessible is your obstacle detection system (ODS). The right ODS increases throughput with fast, accurate decision-making and reduced downtime.


In conclusion, addressing the challenges that prevent AMR mass adoption requires a multifaceted approach. By reducing the total cost of ownership and increasing the value of your product, you can make mobile robots more attractive to potential customers. The right perception products, such as obstacle detection systems, can also help simplify the integration process and increase throughput. By embracing these solutions, you can transform your business and bring mobile robots to the forefront of manufacturing efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What are the primary challenges preventing AMR mass adoption?

The primary challenges are the lengthy integration process, high Bill of Material (BoM) cost, and accidents. These barriers deter potential customers from embracing AMR technology.

Question 2: How can I reduce the total cost of ownership of my mobile robot?

You can reduce the total cost of ownership by shortening integration time. A fast, cost-effective onboarding may be the deciding factor if your price tag is in the customer’s budget.

Question 3: How can I increase the value of my mobile robot?

You can increase the value of your robot by providing more features or capabilities. For example, if your robot can perform more tasks than your competitors, it will be more attractive to customers.

Question 4: What is the role of obstacle detection systems in mobile robotics?

Obstacle detection systems play a crucial role in mobile robotics by increasing throughput with fast, accurate decision-making and reduced downtime. They help simplify the integration process and provide accurate data to aid decision-making.

Question 5: How can I transform my business with mobile robots?

You can transform your business by embracing mobile robots and leveraging their benefits. By reducing the total cost of ownership, increasing the value of your product, and simplifying the integration process, you can make mobile robots a key part of your business strategy.

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