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Friday, September 20, 2024

Introducing Flora: The AI-Powered Solution for Proactive Brand Protection


In today’s digital landscape, brand protection has become a top priority for businesses and organizations. With the rise of AI-powered technologies, the threat of brand abuse and misuse has never been more significant. To combat this growing concern, Tracer, a leading online brand protection company, has introduced Flora, a special-purpose agentic AI system designed to autonomously perform tasks, make decisions, and carry out complex sequences of actions to effectively protect brands from misuse and threats.

Powered by New 8 Billion Parameter Domain-Specific LLM

Flora is backed by a powerful 8 billion parameter special-purpose language model (LLM) for brand-specific use cases, setting it apart from open-source and general-purpose commercial LLMs. This cutting-edge AI technology has been specifically trained to understand and respond to brand threats with unprecedented speed, accuracy, and scalability.

Faster and More Accurate Brand Protection with Flora

The Flora agentic AI system filters out irrelevant threats, reducing time-to-live (TTL) by up to 80%. This means brand owners and their customers can enjoy quicker and more targeted enforcement against brand misuse instances, maintaining a strong and positive online reputation.

Growing Concern of Generative AI-Driven Brand Abuse

In recent years, generative AI has introduced new opportunities for nefarious actors to exploit brand logos, name, and intellectual property for malicious purposes. According to IDC, global security spending is expected to reach nearly $300 billion in 2026. Tracer’s Flora AI solution is designed to combat the rising threat of brand abuse in the age of AI-driven cyber attacks.


Tracer’s innovation in AI-driven brand protection is poised to revolutionize the way businesses approach brand protection. By leveraging its special-purpose AI system, Flora, Tracer is empowering organizations to swiftly and effectively protect their online reputation and safeguard their intellectual property from threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What makes Flora different from existing AI technologies?

Flora is trained on a custom-built domain-specific LLM, with 8 billion parameters, specifically designed to address the unique challenges of brand protection. This means it is more accurate, faster, and more scalable than other AI solutions available in the market.

Question 2: Can Flora integrate with other AI systems already in place?

Yes, Flora is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing AI systems and workflows, making it a valuable addition to any organization’s brand protection strategy.

Question 3: What kind of brand protection workflows does Flora streamline and automate?

Flora simplifies brand protection workflows by automatically detecting and filtering out irrelevant brand threats, allowing brand owners to focus on high-priority enforcement.

Question 4: How does Flora prioritize brand threats and recommend actions?

Flora uses sophisticated algorithms to rank brand threats based on risk level, relevance, and potential impact. It provides instant recommendations on which threats should be enforced and which ones can be auto-closed.

Question 5: Will Flora continue to be updated to address emerging AI-driven cyber threats?

Absolutely. Tracer is committed to continuous innovation and update of the Flora AI system to ensure it stays ahead of emerging AI-driven cyber threats and maintains the highest levels of accuracy, speed, and scalability.

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