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Friday, September 20, 2024

Sovereign Data Solution Boosts Effectiveness of France’s Leading Environmental Program

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The world of environmental conservation is shifting towards innovative and sustainable solutions. One such solution is the Banque des Territoires (CDC Group) x Polyconseil x Hugging Face collaboration, which aims to enhance the EduRénov program with a sovereign data solution. This groundbreaking project leverages the potential of generative AI with the pressing demands of data sovereignty.

Case Study: Enhancing a Major French Environmental Program with a Sovereign Data Solution

The EduRénov program is a flagship program within France’s ecological and energy transformation strategy. Its ambition is to simplify, support, and finance the energetic renovation of public school buildings, with the goal of achieving 40% energy savings within 5 years. Banque des Territoires mobilizes unprecedented means to meet this goal: 2 billion euros in loans to finance the work and 50 million euros dedicated to preparatory engineering.

The Power of RAG to Meet Environmental Objectives

Launched by Banque des Territoires, EduRénov is a response to the French government’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition towards a low-carbon economy. The program aims to renovate 10,000 public school facilities, including nurseries, grade/middle/high schools, and universities, with a focus on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Industrializing while Ensuring Performance and Sovereignty

To develop a secure application that improves the responsiveness of BdT’s support to communities, the CDC chose a French consortium formed by Polyconseil and Hugging Face. This collaboration ensures the sovereignty and security of the solution, as the data is stored and processed within the French borders.

A Modular Solution to Respond to a Dynamic Sector…Schema

The solution implemented is a modular one, with four main subsystems: interface usage, documentation database, data quality games, and RLHF. The LLM is executed on a GPU, using Text Generation Inference (TGI) from Hugging Face. The system is designed to be adaptable and scalable, allowing for easy changes in the models and embeddings used.

Key Factors of Success

The solution’s success relies on several key factors. Firstly, the modular design allows for easy changes and updates. Secondly, the use of open-source tools and libraries ensures the sovereignty and security of the solution. Thirdly, the collaboration with experts from Hugging Face and Polyconseil has been instrumental in the development of the solution.


In conclusion, the collaboration between Banque des Territoires, Polyconseil, and Hugging Face has resulted in a groundbreaking solution that leverages the potential of generative AI with the pressing demands of data sovereignty. This solution has the potential to transform the way data is collected, processed, and used, and could have a significant impact on the environmental conservation sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the EduRénov program?

The EduRénov program is a flagship program within France’s ecological and energy transformation strategy, aimed at simplifying, supporting, and financing the energetic renovation of public school buildings.

Q: What is the goal of the EduRénov program?

The goal of the EduRénov program is to achieve 40% energy savings within 5 years, by renovating 10,000 public school facilities, including nurseries, grade/middle/high schools, and universities.

Q: Who is involved in the project?

The project involves Banque des Territoires, Polyconseil, and Hugging Face, a French consortium chosen for their expertise in data science, AI, and cloud computing.

Q: What is the scope of the project?

The scope of the project is to develop a secure application that improves the responsiveness of BdT’s support to communities, using a modular design and open-source tools and libraries.

Q: What is the future of the EduRénov program?

The future of the EduRénov program is promising, with the potential to transform the way data is collected, processed, and used in the environmental conservation sector. The program has the potential to scale up and expand to other sectors, with the aim of achieving significant environmental impact.

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