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Friday, September 20, 2024

End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition: Optimizing Raw Audio Representations for Improved Audio-to-Text Conversion


Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, enabling voice-based interfaces and speech-to-text applications. With the rise of multilingual support, ASR systems are now expected to handle diverse languages and character sets. In this article, we explore an innovative approach to optimize byte-level representation for end-to-end (E2E) ASR, achieving better accuracy and flexibility.

Optimizing Byte-Level Representation for E2E ASR

In this paper, we propose an algorithm to optimize a byte-level representation for E2E ASR. Byte-level representation is often used by large-scale multilingual ASR systems when the character set of the supported languages is large. The compactness and universality of byte-level representation allow the ASR models to use smaller output and therefore, provides more flexibility. UTF-8 is the most commonly used byte-level representation and has been successfully applied to ASR. However, it is not designed for ASR or any machine learning tasks.

By using auto-encoder and vector quantization, we show that we can optimize a byte-level representation for ASR and achieve better accuracy. Our proposed framework can incorporate information from different modalities and provide an error correction mechanism.

Experimental Results

In an English/Mandarin dictation task, we show that the bilingual ASR model built with this approach can outperform UTF-8 representation by 5% relative in error rate.


In conclusion, our proposed algorithm offers a novel approach to optimize byte-level representation for E2E ASR, leading to improved accuracy and flexibility. This innovative solution has the potential to revolutionize the field of ASR and its applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is byte-level representation in ASR?

Byte-level representation is a way to represent text data in a compact and universal format, often used in large-scale multilingual ASR systems. It allows the ASR models to use smaller output and provides more flexibility.

Why is UTF-8 not designed for ASR or machine learning tasks?

UTF-8 is a widely used byte-level representation, but it is not designed specifically for ASR or machine learning tasks. While it has been successfully applied to ASR, it can be optimized for better performance using our proposed algorithm.

What is the significance of auto-encoder and vector quantization in optimizing byte-level representation?

Auto-encoder and vector quantization are techniques used to optimize the byte-level representation for ASR. They enable the model to learn compact and meaningful representations of the input data, leading to improved accuracy and flexibility.

What are the benefits of the proposed framework?

The proposed framework can incorporate information from different modalities and provide an error correction mechanism, making it a powerful tool for E2E ASR systems.

What are the implications of this research for the field of ASR?

This research has the potential to revolutionize the field of ASR, enabling more accurate and flexible systems that can handle diverse languages and character sets.

Can this approach be applied to other machine learning tasks?

Yes, the proposed algorithm can be applied to other machine learning tasks that require optimized byte-level representation, such as natural language processing and text classification.

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