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Friday, September 20, 2024

Here is the SEO friendly title: “Netflix’s Netflix’s ‘Incoming’: a Mediocre Attempt at Capture the Chaos of High School Party Cinemas”

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"High school party films have a certain ring to it. They promise a chaotic mix of humor, awkwardness, and moments of unexpected clarity—a perfect mix of teenage emotions served with a side of nostalgia for those who have long since graduated. Netflix’s ‘Incoming’ aims to capture this familiar blend, inviting viewers into the wonderful time of a freshman’s first high school party. But while the film tries to bottle the excitement and chaos of such an event, it ultimately falls short of delivering a truly memorable experience."

The Film’s Flaws

While "Incoming" tries to capture the excitement of a high school party, it ultimately falls short due to its predictable plot, shallow characters, and humor that rarely rises above the juvenile. The film’s attempt to bottle the excitement and chaos of such an event is admirable, but it’s a shallow attempt that fails to deliver a truly memorable experience.

Predictable Plot

The plot of "Incoming" is predictable and lacks any real surprises or twists. The film follows the familiar storyline of a group of freshmen navigating their first high school party, but it’s a story that’s been told before and done better. The film’s attempts to add some originality to the plot fall flat, and the result is a story that’s easy to guess and lacks any real tension or suspense.

Shallow Characters

The characters in "Incoming" are also shallow and lack any real depth or development. The film’s attempts to make them relatable and likable fall flat, and the result is a cast of characters that’s hard to care about. The actors do their best with the material they’ve been given, but it’s not enough to make up for the lack of depth in the characters.


The humor in "Incoming" is also a letdown. The film’s attempts at comedy are often forced and fall flat, and the result is a film that’s more annoying than amusing. The film’s use of juvenile humor and stereotypes only adds to the problem, and the result is a film that’s more cringe-worthy than funny.

"Netflix’s ‘Incoming’ had the potential to be a standout in the teen comedy genre, but it fails to capitalize on that potential. With a predictable plot, shallow characters, and humor that rarely rises above the juvenile, the film offers little to distinguish itself from the countless other high school party films that have come before it. For those looking for a laugh-out-loud experience, it might be better to revisit classics like ‘Superbad’ or ‘American Pie’ instead."

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the plot of ‘Incoming’?

The plot of ‘Incoming’ follows a group of freshmen navigating their first high school party. The film tries to capture the excitement and chaos of such an event, but ultimately falls short due to its predictable and shallow storyline.

Are the characters in ‘Incoming’ relatable?

No, the characters in ‘Incoming’ are shallow and lack any real depth or development. The film’s attempts to make them relatable and likable fall flat, and the result is a cast of characters that’s hard to care about.

Is ‘Incoming’ funny?

No, ‘Incoming’ is not funny. The film’s attempts at comedy are often forced and fall flat, and the result is a film that’s more annoying than amusing.

Is ‘Incoming’ a good representation of high school life?

No, ‘Incoming’ is not a good representation of high school life. The film’s portrayal of high school is shallow and lacks any real authenticity. The film’s use of stereotypes and cliches only adds to the problem, and the result is a film that’s more cringe-worthy than realistic.


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