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Friday, September 20, 2024

Mastering Scalable and Distributed Machine Learning Workflows with DVC and Ray

DVC and Ray: A Winning Combination for Scalable and Efficient Machine Learning Workflows


As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, the need for scalable and efficient workflows has become increasingly important. With the rise of large-scale datasets and complex models, traditional approaches to machine learning are no longer sufficient. In this tutorial, we will explore how DVC (Data Version Control) and Ray can be used together to create a scalable and efficient machine learning workflow.

Why DVC and Ray?

DVC is an open-source tool that brings GitOps and reproducibility to data management, ML experiments, and model development. It connects versioned data sources and code with pipelines, tracks experiments, and registers models – all based on GitOps principles. Ray, on the other hand, is an open-source unified computing framework that makes scaling AI and Python workloads easy – from reinforcement learning to deep learning to tuning and model serving. By combining DVC and Ray, we can create a scalable and efficient machine learning workflow that can handle complex models and large-scale datasets.

High-Level Solution Design

Our solution involves using DVC to manage the data and models, and Ray to distribute the computing tasks. We will create a Ray cluster and use DVC to manage the data and models. During the training, DVCLive will log live updates of metrics and parameters to DVC Studio. DVC will use remote storage (AWS S3) to manage data and model artifacts. Finally, we will commit the results of the experiment to Git and DVC Remote Storage.


To follow this tutorial, you will need to have some experience with machine learning or data engineering pipelines, and be familiar with DVC. You will also need to have the following tools installed:

  • Git
  • Python 3.11 or above
  • AWS CLI (if you want to run pipelines in AWS)

Tutorial Scope

This tutorial will guide users through creating automated, scalable, and distributed ML pipelines using DVC and Ray. We will start by configuring the Ray cluster for local and cloud environments. Then, we will discuss the challenges of running DVC in distributed environments. We will run a few examples of using DVC and Ray, and by the end of the tutorial, you will be able to design, run, and manage ML pipelines distributed over multiple nodes and trackable through version control.


In this tutorial, we have seen how DVC and Ray can be used together to create a scalable and efficient machine learning workflow. By combining the strengths of DVC and Ray, we can create a powerful tool that can handle complex models and large-scale datasets. We hope that this tutorial has been helpful in demonstrating the potential of DVC and Ray for machine learning workflows.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is DVC?

A1: DVC (Data Version Control) is an open-source tool that brings GitOps and reproducibility to data management, ML experiments, and model development.

Q2: What is Ray?

A2: Ray is an open-source unified computing framework that makes scaling AI and Python workloads easy – from reinforcement learning to deep learning to tuning and model serving.

Q3: How do I install DVC?

A3: You can install DVC by running the command pip install dvc in your terminal.

Q4: How do I install Ray?

A4: You can install Ray by running the command pip install ray in your terminal.

Q5: Can I use DVC and Ray together in the cloud?

A5: Yes, you can use DVC and Ray together in the cloud. You can use AWS S3 as the remote storage for DVC and run the Ray cluster on AWS.

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