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Friday, September 20, 2024

Breaking Free from Downstream Models: Simplifying Speaker Recognition with Self-Supervised Speech Features


In the realm of speaker verification, the quality of features used to distinguish between individuals is crucial. Self-supervised features have gained popularity as a suitable replacement for traditional filter-bank features, leading to improved performance and efficiency in speaker verification models. However, training these models on self-supervised features assumes that both feature types require equal amounts of learning for the task. This raises an important question: can self-supervised features be leveraged to simplify the downstream speaker verification model without compromising performance?

Revisiting the Downstream Model

Self-supervised features are typically used in place of filter-bank features in speaker verification models. However, these models were originally designed to ingest filter-banks as inputs, and thus, training them on self-supervised features assumes that both feature types require the same amount of learning for the task. In this work, we observe that pre-trained self-supervised speech features inherently include information required for a downstream speaker verification task, and therefore, we can simplify the downstream model without sacrificing performance.

Simplifying the Model

To this end, we revisit the design of the downstream model for speaker verification using self-supervised features. We show that we can simplify the model to use 97.51% fewer parameters while achieving a 29.93% average improvement in performance on SUPERB. This significant reduction in parameters and improvement in performance demonstrates the potential of self-supervised features to simplify the downstream model.

Data Efficiency

Consequently, we show that the simplified downstream model is more data efficient compared to the baseline – it achieves better performance with only 60% of the training data. This finding has important implications for speaker verification systems, particularly in scenarios where data is limited.


In this work, we have demonstrated the potential of self-supervised features to simplify the downstream model for speaker verification. By leveraging the information already present in pre-trained self-supervised speech features, we can reduce the number of parameters and improve performance. This approach offers a promising direction for future research in speaker verification and has the potential to be applied to other domains where self-supervised learning is used.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are self-supervised features in the context of speaker verification?

Self-supervised features are a type of feature that can be extracted from speech without requiring labeled data. They have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to improve performance and efficiency in speaker verification models.

Why are filter-bank features not suitable for speaker verification models?

Filter-bank features were originally designed to ingest acoustic features as inputs, whereas self-supervised features are typically used to represent speech. As a result, training speaker verification models on self-supervised features assumes that both feature types require equal amounts of learning for the task.

What are the benefits of simplifying the downstream model?

Simplifying the downstream model using self-supervised features can lead to significant reductions in the number of parameters required, making the model more efficient and easier to train. This approach can also improve performance, particularly in scenarios where data is limited.

How does this approach impact data efficiency?

The simplified downstream model achieves better performance with only 60% of the training data, demonstrating its ability to be more data efficient compared to the baseline. This finding has important implications for speaker verification systems, particularly in scenarios where data is limited.

What are the implications of this work for future research in speaker verification?

This work highlights the potential of self-supervised features to simplify the downstream model for speaker verification, improving performance and efficiency. This approach has the potential to be applied to other domains where self-supervised learning is used, offering a promising direction for future research.

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